Moscow, Russian Federation
BBK 347 Технология производства оборудования отраслевого назначения
The necessity of improving technological operations in the processing of mineral raw materials and the use of energy-efficient grinding equipment is substantiated. The technical and technological benefits of vertical dynamic autogenous grinding mills are given. They are based on a method of self-grinding of the material, which allows to reduce the specific energy consumption. The technical advantages of the MKAD system mills, the structural schemes of which have an indifferent group are explained. Since the mills of this system additionally use so-called “circulating” energy, depending on the degree of deformation of the drive motor shaft, it is necessary to study the effect of kinematic mismatch of closed-circuit branches on the specific energy consumption of grinding. The graphic dependences of kinematic discrepancy effect on the specific energy consumption of grinding in the MKAD system mills are presented.
mill, energy efficiency, specific energy consumption, block diagram, indifferent groups, closed loop, kinematic discrepancy, kinetic energy, potential energy, circulating energy
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