It is proposed to develop a method for solving problems of steady oscillations of piecewise inhomogeneous isotropic elastic rectangular areas, using the behavior of the characteristics of the wave field at the corner points of the domain [1].
harmonic oscillations, the method of superposition, isotropy
Рассмотрим волновые движения, полностью характеризующиеся двухмерным полем в плоскости aOa в бесконечной вдоль оси Oa призме V .
1. Grinchenko V.T. Garmonicheskie kolebaniya i volny v uprugikh telakh / V.T. Grinchenko, V.V. Meleshko. – Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 1981. – 283s.
2. Golovchan V.T. Prostranstvennye zadachi teorii uprugosti i plastichnosti / V.T. Golovchan, V.D. Kubenko – Kiev: Nauk.Dumka,1986. – 288s.
3. Belokon´ A.V. Ob ustanovivshikhsya kolebaniyakh elektrouprugoy plastiny peremennoy tolshchiny / A.V. Belokon´, L.P. Vovk. Prikl. mekhanika. – 1982. - T. 18. - №5. – S. 101-105.