Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.03 Медико-биологические дисциплины
GRNTI 76.33 Гигиена и эпидемиология
OKSO 14.04.02 Ядерные физика и технологии
OKSO 31.06.2001 Клиническая медицина
OKSO 31.08.08 Радиология
OKSO 32.08.12 Эпидемиология
BBK 51 Социальная гигиена и организация здравоохранения. Гигиена. Эпидемиология
BBK 534 Общая диагностика
TBK 5708 Гигиена и санитария. Эпидемиология. Медицинская экология
TBK 5712 Медицинская биология. Гистология
TBK 5734 Медицинская радиология и рентгенология
TBK 6212 Радиоактивные элементы и изотопы. Радиохимия
Currently, charged particle accelerators are used not only as a tool for basic research, but they are also becoming increasingly common in industry and medicine. In Russia in the coming years it is planned to create 3 centers of proton and ion therapy. At the same time, the instrumental, methodological, metrological and regulatory support of radiation monitoring does not currently correspond to the energy range of the generated radiation. The paper analyzes the compliance of existing regulatory and advisory documents with the goals of ensuring radiation safety during proton therapy.
therapeutic proton accelerators, high-energy ionizing radiation, secondary radiation, radiation safety
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