Glazov, Izhevsk, Russian Federation
The diffi culty of understanding an educational text primarily depends on the degree of the information concentration in its constituent sentences and mathematical statements. The article analyzes the problem of assessing the density of educational information for the theoretical component of mathematics textbooks in various classes of secondary schools. The purpose of research consists in: 1) developing objective methods for measuring the quantity semantic information in educational text; 2) in determining the information density in theoretical reasoning (defi nitions, theorems, conclusions, etc.) presented in school math textbooks. To determine the density of theoretical information in math textbooks the thesaurus approach and the content analysis method, based on automated counting of words (terms) in the text with the account of their complexity with help of computer, are used. More 15 textbooks and manuals on mathematics were subjected to the analysis of content. At this the sentences and formulas, corresponding 1st, 2nd, ..., 11th grades, were chosen. The dictionary of using terms is created; their complexity is determined by the method of the complex concepts (terms) decomposition into simple ones and by the method of pair comparison. With the help of special computer program, the automatic analysis of the corresponding text fi les was carried out, their informative value is determined, the average values of information density in various classes are calculated, and a graph is presented.
didactic complexity, informative value of the text, mathematics textbook, information minimization, educational text.
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