Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modern blogs are means of public influence. The authors analyze communicative strategies, stylistic and lexical means used by Deborrah Blum, journalist and blogger involved in environmental issues discussion. The range of means under consideration is wide due to extreme topical significance. Ecological problems are challenge of modern society and blog’s author attracts contemporaries attention to them. Discourse analysis and content analysis are dominant research methods. The author of the blog, having an expert status uses such communicative strategies as regulative, metacommunicative, informative and modal-evaluative. Informative and influential potential of blogs is caused both by topical acuteness and virtual communication participants feedback, their joint and collective authorship. Blog discourse emphasizes topical social issues. Contemporary blog is of both informative and evaluative character. Virtual communication depicts cognitive and mental patterns of the Internet communication typical participants in information epoch.

blog discourse, virtual communication, communicative strategies, speech influence, image of the world.

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