Russian Federation
In Russia, the social and economic development of society is significantly influenced by the activities of state bodies. The complexity and instability of the processes occurring in all spheres of life of the Russian society, increase the requirements for the activities of public authorities. Today, civil servants are a key tool for the effective and consistent implementation of both domestic and foreign policy of the state. The scale of the tasks facing the state authorities of the Russian Federation, actualizes the problem of managerial competence of civil servants [1]. The state programs of national projects emphasize the importance of continuing the reforms of the public administration system, taking into account the ideology of the new state management. The article demonstrates the competence approach to assessing the professional competence of public servants. In the framework of which models are presented for managing the development of professional competencies of civil servants.
state and municipal service, state and municipal employees, competences, qualification requirements, models of professional competence, evaluation criteria.
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