Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Background. The problem of increase in efficiency of endodontic treatment is relevant nowadays. Treat the decisive factors affecting quality of endodontic treatment: machining, irrigation and sealing of root channels. Machining of root channels does not allow to remove the greased layer. So an integral part of endodontic treatment is the irrigation of the root channel. Objectives ― to choose an optimum way of activation of irrigational solutions for removal of the greased layer in root channels with difficult anatomy. Methodology. The research of 30 intact painters removed on medical indications is conducted. Activation of irrigational solution was carried out by a sound the device EndoActivator and the ultrasonic IRRI K file on the device VDW.ULTRA. in root channels with simple and difficult anatomy. An object of a research was the internal wall of the root channel with the greased layer on the surface of dentine of the root. The research of samples was conducted by means of the scanning electronic microscope of JSM-6390LV. Results. When machining on an internal wall of root channels on the surface of dentine the greased layer is formed. Studying of samples with simple anatomy of root channels and activation of irrigational solutions revealed that the greased layer is removed throughout. When studying samples of teeth with difficult anatomy of root channels, it is determined, partially open dentinny a tubule at activation of solutions ultrasonic or sound by methods, and completely open dentin a tubule at activation of irrigational solution by the combined method. Conclusions. Carrying out activation of solutions in root channels with simple anatomy at a stage of a finishing irrigation is identical effectively as by ultrasonic, and sound methods. Application at a stage of a finishing irrigation of a sound method of activation in teeth with difficult anatomy of root channels allows to delete more than the greased layer, than ultrasonic activation. For the purpose of increase in efficiency of clarification of the root channel in teeth with difficult anatomy expediently combined use of sound and ultrasonic methods.
ultrasonic activation, sound activation, simple and difficult anatomy of root channels, the combined activation method
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