graduate student
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
FSBEI HE Penza STU (department «Technology of mechanical engineering», associate professor)
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
GRNTI 68.85 Механизация и электрификация сельского хозяйства
OKSO 35.02.07 Механизация сельского хозяйства
The aim of the research is to reduce pressure losses in the pneumatic system of the seeder with pneumatic sowing. In the production of seeders with pneumatic sowing one of the qualitative indicators of the technological process of pneumatic transportation of plant seeds and granules of oral fertilizers is the uniformity of the distribution of trans-ported bulk material from the bins with the dispenser of the sowing device to the unloading devices – nozzles of coulters. The task of distributing the material on the coulters is solved by the distributor. In the presence of trans-verse non-uniformity of feed of seeds is about 10% there is a risk of reducing productive activity of wheat to 1.0...1.5 t/ha. To ensure the quality of the specified material distribution in the design of the seeder is required to provide a number of quantitative terms. The change in the speed mode of movement of particles of bulk material affects not only the qualitative indicators of its distribution on coulters, but also the pneumatic resistance of the pneumatic con-veyor due to the turbulence of the flow, and the power consumption of the fan drive. Equations of pressure loss of pneumatic system are given. The results of the analysis of the 3D model pneumatic seeder pressure and flow rate. The flow rate at the beginning of the horizontal section of the pipe and the concentration of the sown material in the air product flow were changed in the simulation. The flow rate varied in the range of 15-25 m/s. The material con-centration varied in the range of 0-1.27 kg/kg of air. The regression equations of the average flow velocity over the sections of the pneumatic system, the fall of the static and total pressure are obtained. It is recommended to improve the design of the pneumatic system of seeders. The existing corrugated surface of the pipe does not fully cope with the task. The design of the vertical pipe requires additional structural elements that center the flow, both along the length of the pipe and at the inlet to the distributor.
seeder, flow, distributor, pipe, pneumatic system, simulation
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