Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Personnel training is one of the key conditions for the successful functioning of any organization. This has become especially important in the modern world, when an increase in the pace of development of scientific and technological progress greatly accelerates the process of obsolescence of professional knowledge and skills. The contradiction of the qualifications of employees to the needs of the company is negatively manifested in the results of its activities. The growing sense of vocational training for the organization and a noticeable increase in the need for it over the past forty years have shown that the first companies in the market have taken up the improvement of the skills of their employees. Preparation of the implementation of vocational training has become the leading direction of personnel management, and the cost of it is the highest (after wages) in the list of expenses of many companies. Professional development is the process of equipping an employee with the knowledge to perform assigned tasks, new production functions, to obtain new positions, without the difficult solution of new tasks. In huge multinational corporations there are special professional development departments, managed by a manager with the rank of director or vice president, which emphasizes their great importance to the company. The need for professional development for current organizations is also described by the fact that the motives in this border are drawn up into personal plans (from the implementation of which the employee’s earnings are proportionally calculated) by the heads of most corporations: presidents, regional vicepresidents, directors of national companies

additional vocational education, teaching methods, personnel, types of training.

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