Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance is determined by the fact that reporting information, the media cause young people certain feelings, views, impressions, according to which young people are formed certain behaviors. Problem: in the media, methods of subconscious influence on people are widely used, when the attitude of society to certain phenomena is formed with the help of stereotypical ideas that are introduced into the news flow, automatically causing a negative or positive reaction to a particular event in the mass consciousness. The author examines the state of moral values of students and their use of the media. It was found that the main value for today's youth is the family (57% of respondents), in second place – a business career (41%), the third – profession and education (39%), material wealth (29%), followed by orientation to values such as health (25%), love and favorite work (22%), creativity (4%) and "sport and service to the Motherland" (3%). The subject of information sites tends to converge with the needs of the audience, but not in all its sections. The most interesting topics for young people are domestic policy (32.4%), family (18.3%) and culture (8.9%). Modern youth in their assessments of the media agree that they are one of the determining in the process of socialization and the formation of value orientations of each individual. As the main consumer of mass media products, young people to some extent force them to shape their work in accordance with their interests and tastes.

value orientations, youth, education, moral values, mass media.

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