Federal Educational and MethodologicalAssociation in the System of Higher Education «Technospheric Safety and Environmental Management» ( Associate Professor)
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
The article presents an analysis of the possibilities of the previously unused method for the experimental study of porous permeable materials and the determination of their structural characteristics. The purpose of the experiment is to determine the geometric parameters of the porous matrix, which integrates the characteristics of the porous material. An example of analytical scanning of a porous structure is considered. A review of existing experimental methods is given. A scheme of the experimental setup, methods for conducting a capillary experiment and processing the data obtained are proposed. As an example, a mathematical model of the experiment is used, illustrating the possible results of the study of a porous sample. It is shown how the results of experiments are transformed into a porous matrix and are interpreted as its capillary scanning. It is proved that this model of porous structure can be used as a starting position in the mathematical calculations of the processes occurring in porous structures.
analytical scanning, geometric model, capillary interaction, capillary scanning, porous matrix, porous metal, liquid and gas separation, equivalent capillary channel
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