from 01.09.2004 to 16.05.2018
Syzran', Samara, Russian Federation
The article provides a systemic analysis of environmental aspects of galvanic metallisation and examines a galvanising plant as a chemically hazardous facility using extremely/highly dangerous substances and creating a high risk of accidents and occupational diseases for the personnel. The indicators of energy and water consumption given in the article as well as the analysis of the consumption of chemical substances indicate irrationality in the use of energy and material resources. The article further shows that the best available technologies recommended for implementation in the Russian information and technical guide do not resolve environmental problems; a large part of electroplating processes are now outdated, even though many technological tasks involving the application of anticorrosive, special or decorative coatings could be performed in a more environmentally sound way. The article concludes by an overview of alternatives and innovations in the methods for the modification of surface properties
galvanic metallization, chemical hazardous facilities, occupational hazards, best available technologies, greening of industrial processes. hazardous chemical substances, industrial technologies
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