Tula, Russian Federation
Any economic system is based on the analysis of the alternative development options existing in these conditions and the choice of the optimal one. In this case, the following question is fundamental: what principle of optimality should one be guided in when deciding on the choice of the option of carrying out economic activity. In this paper, it is proposed to use the Principle of Least Action (PLA) as such a principle. When applying this principle in practice, the goals of economic activity are achieved and the available resources are rationally used: the total costs of living and past (materialized) labor are minimized. The implementation of the PLA contributes to an increase in both the productivity of living labor and the productivity of aggregate labor. When used in practice PLA solves the problem of replacing manual labor machine. In this case, first of all, the release of heavy physical labor from economic activity takes place.
productive housekeeping, labor costs, efficiency, manufacturing process, technological process, principles of management, principle of least action
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