Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In recent years, a new economic and legal environment has been formed in the activities of budgetary institutions, which makes it possible to raise the level of provision of state social services, to use market mechanisms in the context of legalizing the provision of paid services by a budget institution; labor motivation of employees of public institutions is increased due to the introduction of an effective contract. Using the example of public health institutions, the dynamics of the average wage of doctors to the average monthly wage of hired employees of commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs by regions are investigated; The analysis of legislative innovations on co-financing the salaries of doctors and nursing staff at the expense of the rationed safety stock of the territorial fund of the OMS was carried out, which should really ensure an increase in the salaries of medical workers and reduce the shortage of primary health care personnel.

the effectiveness of the budget institution, the economic mechanism of budget institutions, an effective contract, average wages, co-financing of wages

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