Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Belgorod, Belgorod, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
Currently, disintegrators are equipment used for grinding and mixing various materials. The ad-vantages of disintegrators are the ability to control the rotation frequency of the rotors and change the geometric parameters to obtain a grinding product with the required grain composition, as well as the simplicity of the design. This article describes the flow of a two-phase medium from the grinding chamber to the outlet pipe, whose axis is shifted relative to the plane passing through the center of rotation of the rotors. A design scheme for the two-phase flow into the outlet pipe in a plane perpen-dicular to the axis of the cylindrical body is presented. It is assumed that the movement of the two-phase medium from the grinding chamber to the outlet pipe occurs at a constant modulus speed. The diagram of the two-phase flow is considered taking into account that the length of the outlet pipe sig-nificantly exceeds its width. The relations determining the change of the velocity vector components near the two-phase flow outlet to the outlet pipe are obtained. Based on the obtained expressions, the trajectory of the two-phase flow from the grinding chamber to the outlet pipe is determined. Thus, us-ing the results of this theoretical study, it is possible to provide a rational ratio of the main design pa-rameters of the disintegrator unloading unit.
disintegrator, the grinding chamber, two-phase environment, particles.
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