Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The modern period of development of tourist and hotel business is characterized by the further development of the processes of globalization and internationalization of markets. This article is devoted to the improvement of hotel personnel management processes in a cross-cultural environment. We consider cross-cultural relationships in the hospitality industry, an ethnocentric approach in the formation of a hotel chain culture, and cross-cultural aspects of personnel management that contribute to the formation of a corporate value system. The article discusses the problem of recruitment and effective management in a multicultural workforce. An analysis is made of the influence of national peculiarities of personnel from different countries on the formation of a corporate culture and, as a result, on the management style. The authors argue that the intersection of various national cultures in the conditions of the functioning of the international hotel chain leads to the formation of a new type of hotel personnel management. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the hotel management of international hotel chains, a grouping of cross-cultural personnel competences was proposed using the reception and accommodation services as an example. Arguments are presented justifying the need to take into account the differences of each group in the work of the managers of the contact zone of the reception and accommodation services and in the process of serving the guest during their stay. Cross-cultural communication competences in the hotel industry are a new, higher level of personnel management. The expediency of applying effective methods of selection, continuous professional retraining and hotel personnel management that would take into account the cultural characteristics of employees, which is a key success factor for the organization of the hotel business, is argued. An algorithm for introducing cross-cultural competencies in hotel management through the use of educational management tools is given. The intercultural, interlingual competences used in hotel management represent the basis of a new approach to the high level of customer service of hotels. The authors come to the conclusion that this is one of the features and conditions for the safe existence of international chain companies of the hotel business.

hospitality industry, personnel management, cross-cultural management, cross-cultural communicative competence, multiculturalism, ethnocentrism, hospitality management

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