Sofiya, Bulgaria
The work proposes the development of the science "Geometry of technical objects" as an interdisciplinary science, which is a part of the sciences "Geometry" and "Design of technical objects". The object of the science is the geo metrical design, and its subject is the determination of the geometry of assembly units and parts in terms of the functions they perform. The co mponents of science are examined: tasks; laws, regularities, principles and rules; methods and terminology. The existing science of "Geometry", part of mathematics, explores spatial structures and relationships, as well as their generalizations, but does not consider the relationship between geometry and functions of real technical objects. There are many developments that are associated with the geometry (especially the shape) of important details of specific types sorockyj units, however, the studies that discuss the General questions of geometry invariant with respect to the types (names) of Assembly units available, but their number is negligible and they can be presented as General guidelines. The exceptional importance and the possibility of a common approach allow us to offer the formation of specific geometry, which refers to real technical objects (Assembly units and flying). Geometry plays a fundamental role in the functioning of technical objects, so it is especially important to look for common approaches to its (geometry) disclosure. The geometry of technical objects can also be considered as an opportunity to transform the main content of graphic disciplines in technical universities.
geometry of technical objects, science, geometry, design, assembly unit, part, engineering design
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