Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan, Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Kazan', Kazan, Russian Federation
Subject. The article describes the child's speech passport, as one of the important mechanisms of the rehabilitation and speech recovery in children with congenital cleft lip and palate. Purpose of the study ― evaluation of the treatment outcome in children with cleft palate with the use of a speech passport at the stage of rehabilitation. Materials and methods. The article presents the experience of the rehabilitation of more than 2,000 patients with congenital maxillofacial defects from 1998 to 2017. Results. The features of speech development were studied in 93 patients divided into two groups. The main group consisted of 56 people, in whom the definition of the algorithm of medical and logopedic aid was carried out using a speech passport, then the rehabilitation measures complex developed by us for restoring and correcting the speech function was applied. The control group included 37 people: patients who did not receive medical and speech therapy in the postoperative period, and patients who underwent rehabilitation measures in outpatient clinic at the place of residence. The speech activity indicators in patients of the compared groups had significant differences (p = 0,026), due to a more pronounced positive dynamics of speech activity recovery in the main group - the percentage of patients increased 3,6 times ― from 17,9 to 64,3 %, while in the control group the rate increased only 1,9 times ― from 21,6 up to 40,5 %. Conclusion. The developed speech passport involves a multidisciplinary approach to the child, early detection, treatment and rehabilitation. It is also can be defined as a link between health care, speech therapy and pedagogy. The child's speech passport data can be filled by a pediatrician, neurologist, maxillofacial surgeon, orthodontist, speech therapist and speech therapist defectologist at various stages of treatment and rehabilitation.
dentistry, speech passport, rhinolalia, nasalization of sounds, cleft lip and palate, rehabilitation
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