graduate student
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2004 until now
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.1981 until now
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Importance ― study of microscopic imprints of the wound surface of purulent wounds in inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region in children. Objectives ― cytological research of microscopic imprints of purulent wounds in inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region in children Methods. The study included 60 children from 5 to 16 years old who were treated for abscesses and phlegmon of the maxillofacial area. Patients were divided independently into 2 groups. The main group included 30 children. For their treatment we used ointment with Furacilin, Lidocaine and Dibunolum. The control group included 30 patients. For their treatment used ointment Levomecol. To compare the effectiveness of the healing of purulent wounds in the main and control groups, we studied cytology of microscopic imprints of purulent wounds at 3, 7 and 10 days. Results. A microscopic examination of the imprints of the wound surface of the control group on the 3 day revealed a predominantly inflammatory type of cytogram, on day 5, the type of cytorgamy was replaced by inflammatory-regenerative, which persisted on the 7th day of the study. Microflora was represented in small quantities. In the main group, in the study of microscopic imprints on the 3ed day, inflammatory-regenerative type of cytogram was also observed. On the 7th, the cytogram shifted to the regenerative type. Cell infiltrate was poor, containing macrophages and lymphocytes. Seeding by microorganisms was not observed. Conclusions. Thus, based on the morphological studies of microscopic imprints of the wound surface, we recommend the use of ointment with Furacilin, Lidocaine and Dibunolum for the complex treatment of abscesses and phlegmon of the maxillofacial region. Since the ointment reduces the time of wound healing and reduces bacterial contamination of the wound.
microscopic research, microscopic imprints, purulent wound, postoperative treatment, inflammation of the maxillofacial area
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