Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the features of the objectification of the concept of “woman” on the material of Russian proverbs and sayings, reflecting the traditional attitude of Russian culture towards a woman, comprehension of her role in the family and society. The words-verbalizers of this concept in the modern Russian language are highlighted, their semantic and etymological analysis is carried out on the material of various dictionaries. As the analysis showed, the concept of “woman” in Russian paremiology is objectified with the help of numerous proverbs and sayings that reflect different aspects of this concept. 10 microconcepts have been identified that represent a complex and multidimensional image of a woman in Russian linguistic culture: “a woman is a mother”; “Mother — Motherland”; “Woman — intellect”; “Woman — talkativeness, deceit, cunning, unpredictability”; “Woman — resolution, endurance”; “Woman — wife”; “The maiden (girl) — the bride”; “daughter”; “sister”; “Grandmother is the keeper of traditions”; “stepmother”.

paremia, concept, microconcept, linguoculture, differential sign

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