Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The models of regions, econometric based on crosscutting statistics, have established that wages and the differentiation of household incomes have a significant impact on labor productivity in the regions of modern Russia. Changes in the level of remuneration and differentiation of incomes of the population in recent years explain 78–82% of changes in labor productivity in the regions, and the effect of the level of remuneration is twice the impact of the differentiation of incomes of the population. The impact of wages on productivity in the period grows. This indicates an increase in the efficiency of labor as a production factor. The influence of income differentiation on labor productivity, which had previously been lost due to the formation of an unfavorable institutional environment under the laws adopted in the country, resumed. The impact of income differentiation decreases, which indicates a decrease in its stimulating effect on labor productivity.

regions, econometric models, productivity, wages, income differentiation of the population

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