Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the indicator of development of the country – macroconstant of the country's development, calculated on the basis of gross domestic product per employed person, as well as the mesoconstant of industrial development, calculated on the basis of gross value added per employed person in the industry, which can be used as target indicators of development, as well as for the long-term forecast of development on macro-and meso levels. The article analyzes the relationship between industry and the economy - the absolute specific growth of GDP and GVA in industry, estimated the coefficients of the relationship between observations of the same period, tested the presence of delayed effect. To assess the relationship between industry and the economy, the annual data of the following countries were analyzed: Russia and four countries from the G7 group: the USA, Germany, France, the United Kingdom for the period 1991-2017. In the framework of macro-planning, the calculated values can be used as a benchmark at the meso- and micro-level.

gross domestic product, gross value added in industry, indicators of economic development, industry, economic and technological development

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