Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the analysis of socialization and adaptation of the younger generation, the change of cultural focus, which is largely manifested in the worldview of the generation. The system of values of modern youth and the influence of the spiritual culture of their people and ethnic group on the formation of these values are indicated. The role of the national language, which is the most reliable and scientifically acceptable evidence of the existence of a national character, is also described. The article reflects the most significant meanings and value dominants supported and maintained in the language, which characterize the linguistic picture of the world of the Cossacks and the dominant cognitive zones, which are common in the linguistic picture of the world of modern youth and the Cossacks in the right choice of the vector of spiritual, moral and military-patriotic education. The article pays attention to the need to preserve its own sociocultural matrix and strengthen it with new spiritual and ideological and semantic foundations.
the Cossacks, youth, ethnoculture, worldview, socioculture, language, mentality, traditional values
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