Izhevsk, Russian Federation
graduate student
The way for solving the task of enterprises sewage treatment from emergency discharge of antibiotics is offered. Emergency discharge of antibiotics into sewage can arise at enterprises of chemical-pharmaceutical and processing industry. Emergency discharge happens in a short period that gives the chance for its detection and utilization into a settler. Standards for emergency discharges have been presented. The main form for detection of antibiotics in water, their kind and concentration identification is analysis of flowing sewage. This analysis includes two elements: obtaining information on the actual existence of antibiotics (their qualitative and quantitative characteristics), and comparison of obtained information with available indicators for the purpose of definition of their compliance. The control procedure includes operations of measurement and identification. Determination of numerical values for indicators of quantitative characteristics is based on information obtained when using technical means of measurements. For the task solution have been considered characteristics of various methods for detection of antibiotics in sewage. Classification of methods according to quantitative and qualitative indicators of sewage on antibiotics existence has been carried out. Have been allocated methods providing the real time control, among which a specific place is occupied by optical-electronic control methods with use of laser radiation. For implementation of real spectroscopy it is offered to use laser radiation with radiation wavelength corresponding to antibiotic range extremes. In such a case, a spectral characteristic of an antibiotic, which can appear in emergency discharge of enterprise’s sewer, is a priori known. For verification of this technical offer an experiment was set up, which had showed a possibility to use a direct method of spectroscopy — translucency on laser radiation’s chosen wavelength for definition of emergency discharge of antibiotic into enterprise’s sewage.
antibiotic, emergency discharge, control methods, laser radiation, spectroscopy, methods classification, wastewater, settler
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