Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The necessity of professional standards application in the organization’s personnel policy formation and remuneration system setting is discussed. It is specified that the professional standard can be used during certification of the worker upon examination a level of his knowledge. Invaluable assistance of professional standards during preparation of employment contracts is also noted. There is an opinion that professional standards are an addition to the unified job evaluation catalog, and should replace it over the long term. In connection with the stated topic, the labor protection specialist’s professional standard is considered in detail in this paper. It has been noted that the main purpose of this employee is assessment, decrease and even elimination the impact of harmful and dangerous production factors on workers. The whole complex of the most important issues in the safety management system has been considered. It is subject to problems related to both personal protective equipment, and providing of investigation and recording for accidents and occupational diseases. The requirements to the labor protection specialist’s education and training, experience of his practical work are discussed, as well as special conditions for permit-to-work. The importance of a special assessment for labor conditions has been highlighted in this paper. It is noted that one of the latest trends in the safety management system is a behavioral audit, representing a system for assessment and analysis of personnel’s unsafe actions at work. It is concluded that the professional standard is a characteristic of the qualification required for an employee to perform a certain type of activity. This standard should serve as a valuable reference point for vocational education’s aims. It is pointed out that the role of labor protection services and specialists is constantly increasing and requires even some elements of independence directly from employers. Such a process is supposed to be carried out in the form of an industry council on professional qualifications and centers for their evaluation.

labor protection, labor protection specialist, safety management system, professional standard, audit, special assessment, qualification independent evaluation

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