GRNTI 45.01 Общие вопросы электротехники
GRNTI 55.42 Двигателестроение
GRNTI 55.45 Судостроение
GRNTI 73.34 Водный транспорт
GRNTI 44.31 Теплоэнергетика. Теплотехника
The article is devoted to the development of the algorithm for adaptation the rotor position sensor of a synchronous reluctance electric machine with anisotropic magnetic conductivity of the rotor. The main advantages and disadvantages of synchronous electric machines are considered in the construction of ship propulsion systems. The advantages of reluctance motor with anisotropic magnetic conductivity of the rotor are given in the construction of propulsion systems. The essence of the method of adaptation of the rotor position sensor is given. The differential equation of adaptation of the rotor position angle sensor is obtained, its stability is investigated. A model of a reluctance machine with anisotropic magnetic conductivity of a rotor is given, which makes it possible to determine its parameters.
synchronous reluctance motor, anisotropic magnetic conductivity, adaptation of the rotor position sensor, mathematical model
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