Russian Federation
GRNTI 34.39 Физиология человека и животных
GRNTI 62.13 Биотехнологические процессы и аппараты
GRNTI 69.01 Общие вопросы рыбного хозяйства
GRNTI 69.25 Аквакультура. Рыбоводство
GRNTI 69.31 Промышленное рыболовство
GRNTI 69.51 Технология переработки сырья водного происхождения
GRNTI 87.19 Загрязнение и охрана вод суши, морей и океанов
The paper investigates the effect of adding to the feed a natural sorbent gaize with concentration of 3% and 6% on fish-biological indicators and morphofunctional state of liver and intestines of scaly cyprin Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus, 1758). The research was carried out in the innovation center “Bioaquapark - Scientific and Technical Center for Aquaculture” under Astrakhan State Technical University. Feeding of yearlings (0+) of scaly carp was carried out in 3 versions: in one control group and two experimental groups (adding 3% and 6% gaize). It has been stated that adding gaize to combined feed increased the survival rate of individuals from 90 to 100%. The increase in body weight was 53% in the test variant and 11% in the second variant. The morphological picture of carp liver in the control and both experimental groups didn’t differ significantly. There were also no foci of inflammation and pathological changes in the structure of the intestine. The research results prove the possibility of using gaize as an additive in carp diet. The best results were obtained when using 3% mineral feed additive. Inclusion of sorbents in the formulation of feedstuffs increases the resistance of fish to adverse growing conditions, prevention of diseases and producing high-quality and environmentally friendly aquaculture products, as well as significantly reduces the cost of fish products.
carp, liver, intestine, feed additive, gaize, sorbent, survival, mineral supplement
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