Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to Amicable Dispute Resolution (ADR). The essence of amicable means of dispute resolution and the basic forms of ADR (negotiation, mediation, arbitration) are considered. Author treats these forms as the first class justice. In his point of view mediation and the other basic forms of ADR are "the Complementary Forms of Justice". Then there is the detailed analysis focuses on the most important law acts concerning mediation in civil matters in Poland and the Russian Federation. The comparison presents the essential differences between the Polish and the Russian regulations. In conclusion, the five mainly motives of using ADR are noticed. The broader functions of ADR connected not only the classical regulatory, protective or harmonizing issues are shown.The article is devoted to Amicable Dispute Resolution (ADR). The essence of amicable means of dispute resolution and the basic forms of ADR (negotiation, mediation, arbitration) are considered. Author treats these forms as the first class justice. In his point of view mediation and the other basic forms of ADR are "the Complementary Forms of Justice". Then there is the detailed analysis focuses on the most important law acts concerning mediation in civil matters in Poland and the Russian Federation. The comparison presents the essential differences between the Polish and the Russian regulations. In conclusion, the five mainly motives of using ADR are noticed. The broader functions of ADR connected not only the classical regulatory, protective or harmonizing issues are shown.

Amicable Dispute Resolution, conflict, negotiation,mediation, arbitration, agreement, the ComplementaryForms of Justice.

I. Amicable means of dispute resolution.

The traditional means of dispute resolution in short include fight, force or coercion. A conflict is viewed only as a struggle. These responses have resulted in the winlose, right — wrong perspective of conflict resolution. The parties are adversaries, focus on who is right, who is more powerful, who will be a winner. In this case, the main legal method to resolve disputes is litigation procedure [1, p. 4–5]. In contrast, Amicable/Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) identifies a group of forms (processes) through which conflicts (disputes) and cases are resolved outside of formal litigation procedures usuallyby negotiation, mediation or arbitration [2, p. 24–25]. ADR avoids traditional means of resolving disputes and focuses on new and creative methods to achieve the main purpose which is the win-win solution (mutual acceptable and profitable agreement). They rely on interested-based and relational-based paradigms of conflict solving which offer the most collaboration and integrative methods. It is also recognized as the most productive conflict-handling behavior. These methods, which increases the reconciliation of interests and needs, are also identified as the most prospective and effective system of dispute resolution. If the primary goal of reconciling interests in not successful (lack of agreement), then rights determination should be next, leaving a court resolution as the last resort [3, p. 6]. 


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3. Kovach K.K., op. cit., p. 6.

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5. Compare: Riskin L., Westbrook J., Guthrie Ch., Heinsz T., Reuben R., Robbennolt J.,op.cit., p. 13.

6. Zienkiewicz A., op.cit., p. 44–46, 96–123.

7. More information concerning the different objectives of mediation, additionally see: Riskin L., Understanding Mediator’s Orientations, Strategies and Techniques: A Grid for the Perplexed, 1 “Harvard Negotiation Law Review” 1996, p. 7–51.

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