According to S. Rokkan theory, the decisive impact on formation European states has the east-west axis (ensures identification with national political organization) and centre-periphery relations with dominant position of the centre. Asynchrony of the process of state formation and nation building gives grounds for definition three types of states: early (the state formation preceded the appearance of nation - France), late (the national identity was the base of state - Germany, Italy) and consociative (absence of the strong state and the united nation - the Netherlands, Switzerland). As the rule, on the European continent the state formation preceded the rise of nations and nationalism. The main differences between formation of the USA and European states are: the absence the competition between religious and secular power, territorial and economic barriers; the single language for communication. From the European point of view, the USA is the nation formed without state support. The success of the American state on the early stages of its development depended on rules of behavior, which implementation were provided by courts and political parties. In reference to democratization, in Europe it promoted the transition to political stage of state formation, in the USA - the search of compromise solution between confederation and federation.
territory, state, nation, centre, periphery, democratization.
Изучение процесса формирования государств имеет важное методологическое значение, поскольку позволяет не только определить факторы, имевшие решающее влияние на становление института государства, но и спрогнозировать его эволюцию в будущем с учетом имеющегося исторического опыта и современных вызовов, стоящих перед ним. Работы таких известных ученых, как П. Андерсон, И. Валлерстайн, Г. Кларк, Л. Мамфорд, Б. Мур, С. Роккан, Ч. Тилли, посвящены анализу этих процессов в мировом или региональном масштабе. Однако, по нашему мнению, не менее полезным было бы сравнение эволюции государства на территории двух континентов: европейском и американском.
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