Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this study, the physicochemical and sensory properties of kolompeh containing black caraway and sesame oil were investigated. Black caraway extract (BCE), encapsulated black caraway extract (EBCE), and black caraway powder (BCP) were added to kolompeh and compared to the sample without black caraway (FBC). All products contained sesame oil and were compared to control (without sesame oil). Among the samples, kolompeh with encapsulated extract demonstrated a higher oxidative stability (24.37 h), with a high IC50 of black caraway extract (124.1 μg·mL–1). In addition, the emulsion exhibited size distribution between 3.20 and 8.51 μm, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy confirmed the well encapsulated extract. Gas chromatography identified oleic and linoleic acids as the main fatty acids in kolompeh with the black caraway encapsulated extract. Although, there were no significant differences in the colour parameters (L*, a* and b*) of the samples, kolompeh with EBCE had the highest score given by panelists. The control had a higher (2466 g) hardness compared to kolompeh containing EBCE (1688 g) at the end of storage. Therefore, the encapsulated extract of black caraway not only had no an adverse effect on the properties of kolompeh but also improved its quality.

Kolompeh, black caraway extract, encapsulation, sesame oil, antioxidant activity, sensory properties
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Kolompeh is an Iranian date-based cookie baked
traditionally by local citizens, especially in Kerman, and
industrially produced in Kerman and other parts of the
country. This cookie has a high nutritional and energy
value and includes date paste, walnut, wheat flour, butter,
and eggs as the main ingredients. Pistachios or sesame
powder are often used for decorating kolompeh [1].
Fats and oils, being important components of
kolompeh, help soften the texture, maintain the
moisture, improve the flavour, and preserve the quality
of the product [2]. Their oxidation and microbial
degradation leads to the reduced sensory characteristics
and shelf life of the product [3]. Compounds resulted
from oxidation cause rancidity. To prevent the oxidative
deterioration, antioxidants have been widely used [4].
Thus, natural antioxidants, such as aromatic plants
and spices, have gained their popularity in the bakery
industry; they preserve bakery products from oxidation
and microorganism spoilage, extend their shelf life, and
have therapeutic benefits [5]. Antioxidant activity of
black caraway has been proved by Kamkar [6].
In recent years, there has been a tendency to use
encapsulation for improving the delivery of bioactive
agents. Therefore, the application of microencapsulation
in food and agricultural industries can contribute to such
characteristics of food as sensory properties, especially
texture, and their stability during shelf-life. In addition,
encapsulation can also amend the water solubility,
thermal stability, and oral bioavailability of bioactive
compounds [7].
This fact stimulates the development and production
of new products. Among the various methods of
encapsulation, considerable research efforts have been
applied to emulsion based encapsulation of different
sensitive materials [8]. This method aims to improve
the chemical stability during processing and storage,
to protect from degradation, and to keep the release of
bioactive molecules under control [9].
Soltaninejad F. et al. Foods and Raw Materials, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 311–320
To our knowledge, the use of sesame oil and
encapsulated extract of black caraway in kolompeh
have not been studied. Thus, the purpose of this study
was to evaluate an effect of black caraway and sesame
oil on the physical and sensory properties of kolompeh.
The kolompeh contained sesame oil and different
forms of black caraway, including powder, extract, and
encapsulated extract.
Materials. Wheat flour, dates, black caraway
(Bunium persicum L.), and flavouring ingredients were
purchased from local market in Shiraz, Fars, Iran.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae lyophilised powder (PTCC
5269) was supplied by Arya Toos Co., Mashhad,
Khorasan, Iran. DPPH and other chemical reagents were
obtained from Merck Co., Darmstadt, Germany.
This research was conducted at the Fars Agricultural
and Natural Resources Research and Education Center.
Extraction. The extraction was carried out
by the method of Upadhyay et al. [10], with some
modifications. Ten grams of grounded black caraway
was added to 100 mL of distilled water and kept in a
water bath for 45 min. Then the slurry was cooled at
room temperature and filtered to obtain a clear extract
for analyses.
Encapsulation of BCE. Microencapsulation of
black caraway extract was performed using W/O
emulsion based on the method given by Tran, with some
modifications [11]. The oil phase of the W/O emulsion
was prepared by adding glycerol monostearate (GMS)
with HLB 3.8 (1.5 wt%) to canola oil and shaking at
4000 rpm and 70°C. The aqueous solution containing
black caraway extract was heated to 40°C. The W/O
emulsion (10:90) was prepared by blending the aqueous
phase and the oil phase at 27000 rpm and 70°C for
2 min. Then the suspension was cooled while stirring
with a magnet at 1000 rpm for 2 h and kept for 30 min
to precipitate microcapsules. Finally, the suspension was
centrifuged at 350 g for 10 min (4°C). The precipitate
was washed with saline twice and filtered. The
microcapsules obtained were stored in a refrigerator
until usage.
Kolompeh preparation. Five formulations of
kolompeh were developed (Table 1).
The following kolompeh samples were prepared:
with 2.5% of encapsulated black caraway extract, with
0.25% of black caraway extract, with 0.4% of black
caraway powder, and without (free) black caraway. All
of them included sesame oil. To investigate an influence
of sesame oil on the kolompeh properties, control sample
was prepared with canola oil instead of sesame oil.
Kolompeh was made by mixing wheat flour, yeast and
oil and keeping for 30 min for proofing. Then kolompeh
was formed, minced date with flavouring ingredients
were put in the centre of the dough, and the samples
were baked in an oven at 150 °C for 30 min.
Antioxidant activity. Radical scavenging
activity of black caraway extract against stable DPPH
(2,2-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl hydrate) was measured
with a spectrophotometer. DPPH methanol solution
(0.1 mmol·L–1) had been prepared just before
measurements. Two millilitre of the extract with
different concentrations was mixed with 2 mL of
0.004% methanol solution. The samples were kept in
dark room for 15 min, and then the absorbance of the
solution resulted was measured at a wavelength of
517 nm. Blank sample contained 2 mL of methanol and
2 mL of DPPH solution. The experiment was conducted
in triplicate. The antioxidant activity was calculated as
a percentage of the radical scavenging activity [12].
Finally, the concentration of sample needed to inhibit
50% of radical scavenging activity (in mg·mL–1) was
appointed and demonstrated as IC50 value [13].
Oxidative stability. The oxidative stability
measurement was performed using a Rancimat
instrument (Metrohm, Herisau, Switzerland) by heating
3 g of sample at a temperature of 110°C and the air flow
rate of 20 L·h–1.
Particle size distribution. The mean particle size
of the microcapsules was determined by dynamic light
Table 1 Kolompeh formulations
Ingredients Samples
with EBCE with BCE with BCP FBC Control
Wheat flour, g 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Vegetable oil (combination of hydrogenated soybean and palm oil), g – – – – 500
Sesame oil, g 500 500 500 500 –
Date, g 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Saccharomyces cerevisiae,% 3 3 3 3 3
Flavoгring ingredients, g 30 30 30 30 40
EBCE, % 2.5 – – – –
BCE, % – 0.25 – – –
BCP, % – – 0.4 – –
EBCE is encapsulated black caraway extract;
BCE is black caraway extract;
BCP is black caraway powder;
FBC is without (free) black caraway
Soltaninejad F. et al. Foods and Raw Materials, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 311–320
scattering technique at ambient temperature (Nano
Particle Analyzer Malvern 2000, Worcestershire, UK).
In order to measure the particle size of the produced
powder, a small quantity of powder was dissolved in
2-propanol, and then a few drops were added to the
water containing reservoir of the apparatus [14].
Morphology. The morphological characteristics of
encapsulated black caraway extract were determined by
optical microscopy (Olympus BX51, Japan).
Fatty acid compositions. Fatty acid analysis of
kolompeh samples was performed using the Alavi
and Golmakani method [15]. First, fatty acids were
converted to fatty acid methyl esters by shaking 60 mg
oil with a mixture of 3 mL of hexane and 0.3 mL of
2 mol·L–1 methanolic potassium hydroxide. Then, atty
acids were analysed by gas chromatography (GC)
using a SP-3420 gas chromatograph (Beijing, China)
coupled to a flame ionisation detector (FID) and a BPX-
70 fused silica capillary column (30 m × 0.25 mm;
0.25 μm film thickness). N2 with the split ratio of
1:10 was used as carrier gas. The temperature
of the injector and the detector was 250 and
300°C, respectively. The oven temperature was
increased from 140 to 200°C as follows: the
temperature of 140°C was maintained for 5 min,
then it was increased to 180°C by 20°C/min
and remained constant for 9 min, and, finally, the
temperature was increased to 200°C by 20°C/min and
maintained for 3 min. Fatty acids were identified by
comparing their retention times with standard values.
The results were expressed as percentage of relative
peak area.
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry
(FTIR). FTIR spectroscopy was performed to analyse
functional groups and to provide an insight into the
structural characteristics of the samples. The spectrum
was recorded on a Perkin-Elmer Spectrum RXI
spectrophotometer (USA). All spectra were recorded at a
wavelength of 4000–400 cm–1.
Texture profile analysis. A CT3 4500 texture
analyser (Brookfield, USA) was used to determine
hardness of samples. An aluminum TA25/1000 probe
was used. The samples were compressed twice (TPA
test). The probe speed was considered in a compression
condition of 0.5 mm·s–1 and a cavity depth of 5 mm. The
experiments were carried out in triplicate at 25°C [16].
Colour analysis. The colour analysis was performed
using a Hunter Lab model Colorflex colorimeter (USA).
Lightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) colour
parameters of kolompeh samples were obtained using
Photoshop software (CS3) [17].
Sensory assessment. Sensory evaluation of
kolompeh was conducted by thirty trained panelists with
the help of a 5-point hedonic scale (5 = like extremely,
1 = dislike extremely), following the method described
by Carpenter [18]. Such quality attributes as colour,
aroma, flavour, tenderness, and overall acceptability
were evaluated. The panelists were then served with
pieces of kolompeh in individual booths under white
fluorescent light, together with cold water to clean the
palate between samples. The descriptors rated from 1,
the lowest score, and 5, the highest one.
Statistical analysis. The data were analysed using
analysis of variance (ANOVA) at P < 0.05. Duncan’s
Multiple Range test was conducted by SAS software
(SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA).
Antioxidant activity. According to the data, IC50, or the
inhibition concentration of 50% of the DPPH free radical
activity of black caraway extract, was 124.10 μg·mL–1,
which was much higher than that of TBHQ.
Various studies had been investigated the antioxidant
activity of black caraway extract. Nickavar et al.
investigated the antioxidant properties of alcoholic
extracts of seven medicinal plants belonging to
Umbelliferae family, including black caraway [19].
The results showed that this species had the IC50 value
of 149.9 μg·mL-1, which was more than that in the
present study. Another research group, Souri et al.,
observed the IC50 values for black caraway extract to be
82.25 μg·mL–1 [ 20]. A lso, 120.43 μ g·mL–1 was reported
by Kamkar et al. [6].
(a) (b)
Figure 1 Initial droplet size distribution of emulsion (a), and optical microscopy image (400×) and surface morphology
of EBCE microcapsules (b)
Soltaninejad F. et al. Foods and Raw Materials, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 311–320
The differences observed in the antioxidant activity
of black caraway in different studies could be due
to the differences in the composition of these plants.
Additionally, important factors are genetics, weather,
harvest season, the type of solvent used for extraction, etc.
Further, there is a direct relationship between the phenol
content and the antioxidant activity of medicinal plants [13].
Oxidative stability. According to the results, the
induction time of black caraway encapsulated extract,
black caraway extract, and black caraway powder were
24.37, 23.15, and 21.88, respectively. The kolompeh
containing encapsulated extract showed better oxidative
stability compared to other treatments. The high
oxidative stability of samples was attributed to the
antioxidant activity of black caraway extract. The higher
oxidation stability of encapsulated extract showed the
protective influence on the encapsulation process [21].
Though, it should be taken into consideration that canola
oil is exposed to oxidation because of a high amount of
unsaturated fatty acids in their composition [22].
Particle size distribution. Figure 1 demonstrates
the particle size distribution of microencapsulated black
caraway extract at different frequencies.
According to Fig. 1, the maximum and minimal
particle sizes were 3.20 and 8.51 μm, respectively. A few
investigations had been carried out in the field of canola
oil as wall material of microencapsulated particles.
Abraham et al. observed a lower particle size of
emulsion based on canola oil, compared with this study
(˃ 1μm) [23]. Mohammadi et al. and Davidov-Pardo
et al. [24, 25] used soybean oil, phosphatidylcholine/
cholesterol, soy lecithin, and grape seed oil with
orange oil to encapsulate olive leaf extract, Myrtus
communis extract, polyphenolic extract of grape seed,
and resveratrol, respectively. According to their results,
particle size was also lower than that in our research
(˃ 0.5 μm). This difference might be due to the type and
duration of encapsulation, as well as due to the rate of
homogenisation, which determines particles size.
Optical microscopy. The structural characteristics
of the microcapsules were depicted by optical
microscope. The morphology of a microcapsule of
encapsulated black caraway extract is illustrated in
Fig. 1. The microcapsule had global and monotonous
appearance with no aggregation. This observation was
in agreement with Abraham et al [23]. However, a low
surfactant-to-emulsion ratio plays an important role
in smoothly surface of particles, as was observed in
resveratrol encapsulated with grape seed oil and orange
oil [25]. Bylaitë et al. investigated the encapsulation
properties of caraway essential oil by spray
drying [26]. They used whey protein and maltodextrin
as a wall material and observed some holes on surface of
the sample encapsulated with whey protein concentrate.
They suggested that whey protein concentrate had
an inverse effect on surface dents; on the other hand,
skimmed milk powder smoothes out wrinkles.
FTIR. Figure 2 plots FTIR spectra of black caraway
extract and encapsulated black caraway extract at
400–4000 cm–1.
According to the FTIR spectra analysis (Figs. 2a
and 2b), both BCE and EBCE demonstrated bands at
3400 and 3427 cm–1, which are assigned to vibration of
O-H in the sugar units. The bands ranged from 3200 to
2800 cm–1 (3009, 2926, 2925, 2855 cm–1) indicated the
stretching h ydrogen b ands i n C -H, a nd a b road b and
at 1746 cm–1 exhibited the C=O stretching of the ester
carbonyl functional group [27]. This region is related
to the triglycerides absorption bands [28]. A new band
at 1608 cm–1 was found in the encapsulated extract,
suggesting intermolecular interactions between C=C and
the hydrocarbon chain of unsaturated fatty acid segments
such as C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3 in canola oil [29].
We also recorded the other characteristic bands, such
as 1461 and 1408 cm–1 (bending v ibration of CH2 and
CH3 aliphatic groups), as well as 1261, 1239, 1162, 1119,
1097, and 1053 cm–1 (stretching vibration of the C-O
ester groups). They are in agreement with the results of
Waterhouse et al [30]. The last finger print region of FTIR
spectra between 888 and 723 cm–1 wavelength frequencies
was ascribed to the CH2 rocking vibration and the out-ofplane
vibration of cis-disubstituted olefins [28].
Overall, both samples displayed similarity in spectra.
However, there were some differences between two
spectra with sharp peaks at a wavenumber of 1200–
1000 cm–1 and small absorption bands at around 850–
400 cm–1. They are associated to the intermolecular
bonding of functional groups in polysaccharides [31].
Fatty acid compositions. Fatty acid composition of
kolompeh samples is presented in Table 2.
According to the GC fatty acids profile, linoleic
and oleic acids were detected as the main fatty acids in
kolompeh with the extracts. The product with black
caraway powder also was rich in unsaturated fatty acids,
with a high amount of linoleic acid (44.15%). Similar
results were observed in the sample with no black
caraway, with linoleic and oleic acid content of 44.86 and
37.32%, respectively. As Egorova et al. reported, linoleic
acid is the most important fatty acid of caraway [32].
In the control sample, the main saturated and
unsaturated fatty acids were represented by palmitic
acid (35.45%) and oleic acid (37.34%), while linolenic
acid was found at low concentrations (19%). Further, the
analysis of fatty acid profile showed lack of lauric and
palmitoleic acids in kolompeh containing black caraway
extract, which is in accordance with the results of Laribi
et al. [33].
In addition, a trace of lauric acid was found in the
encapsulated extract sample, which may be due to
petroselinic acid contained in some types of caraway
seed oil. Petroselinic acid is a main component for
oleochemical processes that converts easily into
lauric and adipinic acid [34]. All samples were rich
in unsaturated fatty acids, compared to the saturated
Soltaninejad F. et al. Foods and Raw Materials, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 311–320
Figure 2 Fourier transform infrared spectra of BCE (a) and EBCE (b)
% T
4000 3200 2400 1800 1400 1000 600
% T
4000 3200 2400 1800 1400 1000 600
819.30 600.61
Soltaninejad F. et al. Foods and Raw Materials, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 311–320
analogues, which is related to sesame oil in their
composition. Sesame seed oil belongs to the oleic–
linoleic acid group [35]. Thus, as expected, oleic and
linoleic acids were prevalent fatty acids in the kolompeh
samples containing sesame oil.
Arachidonic, stearic and behenic acids were also
found in trace amounts in the kolompeh containing black
caraway extract and powder, which is in agreement with
Nzikou et al [36]. However, the samples with sesame
oil were characterised by a low content of palmitic acid
compared to the control.
Hardness. Figure 3 demonstrates the hardness of the
samples during storage.
The results illustrated that the hardness of the
products under study was decreasing during storage,
except for kolompeh without black caraway, which had
no significant differences in hardness. The highest and
lowest hardness by the end of storage had the samples
with the powder and encapsulated extract, respectively.
All the samples, excluding the kolompeh with the
powder, displayed lower hardness than the control. This
phenomena may be related to the high density of black
caraway powder [2].
In spite of the fact that the use of plant extracts in
kolompeh still has not been investigated, there are data
about increasing hardness of samples during storage.
Budryn et al. mentioned that covalent interaction of
polyphenols and proteins resulted in an enhancement
in hardness, which was contrary to the results of this
study [37]. To our opinion, there are two causes for this.
First, the presence of mono and di-glycerides in
sesame oil, with their emulsifying properties, caused a
reduction in the hardness of the product. Thus, they are
able to make starch complex and delay staling [38]. The
second cause for enhancing of hardness is related to the
presence of saccharides limiting interactions between
polyphenols and proteins [37]. The reducing of hardness
in the kolompeh with the extract can be explained by
rivalry between fibres and polyphenols and wheat starch
in the dough. In addition, the sample with EBCE was
softer than that with BCE because of encapsulation,
which protected the sample against the direct exposure
of polyphenols and starch.
Colour. Table 3 illustrates the colour properties of
kolompeh samples during storage.
Table 2 Fatty acid composition of kolompeh samples
Fatty acid, % Samples
with EBCE with BCE with BCP FBC Control
Lauric acid (C12:0) 1.77 – 2.31 – –
Myrisric acid (C14:0) 2.36 2.77 0.39 1.47 1.24
Palmitic acid (C16:0) 11.12 10.73 11.58 11.64 35.45
Palmitoleic acid (C16:1) 0.18 – – – –
Stearic acid (C18:0) 3.98 4.04 3.15 4.13 8.34
Oleic acid (C18:1) 36.13 37.03 37.82 37.32 37.34
Linoleic acid (C18:2) 43.38 44.99 44.15 44.86 16.76
Linolenic acid (C18:3) 0.29 0.36 0.40 0.12 0.19
Arachidonic acid (C20:0) 0.54 0.10 0.10 0.17 0.30
Behenic acid (C22:0) 0.24 0.08 0.08 0.30 0.38
EBCE is encapsulated black caraway extract
BCE is black caraway extract
BCP is black caraway powder
FBC is without (free) black caraway
Figure 3 Hardness of kolompeh samples during storage
Day 1 Day 7 Day 14 Day 21
Soltaninejad F. et al. Foods and Raw Materials, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 311–320
Colorimetric analysis showed that the L* value
of all the samples, except BCP, increased during the
storage period (21 days). The encapsulated sample had a
lower lightness compared to the others, which might be
probably due to a more intense yellow colour of canola
oil used as a wall material in the encapsulation process
[39]. In addition, as expected, the sample without
carway (FBC) was lighter than the others. The
diffrences were probably due to the presence of black
caraway (extract or powder) in kolompeh that impacted
on its lightness.
On day 14, the kolompeh with BCE had the highest
L* value, while EBCE, BCE and control samples
exhibited a reduction of redness. The similar results
were obtained in bread fortified by cumine seeds powder
by Sayed Ahmad et al., who found that the lightness
of bread depended on the amount of cumin [40]. The
increasing in the yellowness could be related to reaction
between amino acids (flour) and sugars (date), known as
Maillard reaction [40].
Sensory assessment. Table 4 represents the sensory
attributes of the kolompeh samples on day 1, 7, 14 and
21 of storage.
We evaluated such sensory characteristics as colour,
aroma, flavour, tenderness, and general acceptability. On
day 1, the kolompeh with black caraway powder had the
lowest score in colour among the other samples, however
no significant differences were observed between them
(P > 0.05). The addition of black caraway (extract and
powder) affected adversely the flavour, aroma, and
tenderness of kolompeh.
According to the results, the sensory attributes of all
samples reduced during storage. As for the kolompeh
with encapsulated extract, its colour, aroma and flavour
remained unchanged compared to day 1 of storage,
which is a positive point of the protective effect of
encapsulation. The aroma of the samples containing
extract or powder of black caraway decreased by the end
of storage, which was due to the loss of some volatile
In addition, the results revealed that the tenderness
of kolompeh with encapsulated extract of black caraway
did not change significantly during storage, and was
similar to that of the control. However, considerable
changes in the texture of BCE, BCP and FBC samples
were observed (P < 0.05).
Table 3 Colour characteristics of kolompeh samples on day 1, 7, 14, and 21 of storage
Sample Colour parameter 1 7 14 21
EBCE L* 43.3 ± 52.1a 53.2 ± 42.2a 49.2 ± 44.9ab 48.3 ± 1.3a
a* –7.0 ± 46.6c 2.0 ± 88.5a –0.0 ± 0.1b 5.0 ± 22.8ab
b* 24.1 ± 23.9a 27.2 ± 44.3ab 33.0 ± 11.8b 35.1 ± 11.1a
BCE L* 57.3 ± 88.8a 65.1 ± 22.5a 71.4 ± 22.3a 63.3 ± 88.6a
a* –3.0 ± 41.8a 2.1 ± 88.1a 1.0 ± 66.3ab 5.0 ± 88.6a
b* 26.2 ± 36.2a 31.1 ± 55.8ab 41.2 ± 11.3a 35.2 ± 11.5a
BCP L* 58.3 ± 34.8a 58.3 ± 62.3a 55.4 ± 87.8b 45.1 ± 23.9b
a* –5.0 ± 74.8b –3.0 ± 33.5b 2.0 ± 55.3a 1.0 ± 44.4b
b* 26.2 ± 30.6a 24.1 ± 44.3b 37.1 ± 66.5ab 32.2 ± 21.1a
FBC L* 60.1 ± 94.1a 74.4 ± 22.3a 71.2 ± 88.8ab 71.2 ± 88.5a
a* –5.1 ± 56.2b –1.0 ± 77.1b 0.0 ± 1.1ab 1.0 ± 33.4b
b* 26.2 ± 19.3a 30.1 ± 33.2ab 32.0 ± 44.9b 34.1 ± 33.5a
Control L* 43.1 ± 82.4a 43.2 ± 44.1a 43.1 ± 11.5ab 45.0 ± 43.9b
a* –8.0 ± 19.5c 2.0 ± 33.7a 0.0 ± 0.1b 5.1 ± 11.8a
b* 24.0 ± 9.7a 29.1 ± 44.1ab 34.0 ± 22.1b 33.1 ± 44.2a
*Means with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05). Each value is expressed as Mean ± SD. Test was conducted in triplicate
Table 4 Sensory evaluation of kolompeh samples during
FBC Control
Colour 1 4.6a 4.0ab 3.6b 4.4a 4.2a
7 4.1a 2.2b 2.6b 2.4a 4.0a
14 3.8a 2.2c 2.6bc 2.8b 3.8a
21 3.7a 1.6cd 2.0c 2.4b 3.6a
Aroma 1 4.0ab 3.6ab 3.4b 3.8ab 4.0a
7 4.0a 2.4b 2.4b 2.2b 4.2a
14 3.7a 2.4c 3.0b 3.0b 3.6a
21 3.6a 2.2c 2.0c 2.8b 3.6a
Flavour 1 4.4a 3.0b 3.0b 4.0a 4.0a
7 4.0a 2.2b 2.2b 2.2b 4.4a
14 3.9a 2.2b 2.6b 2.4b 3.8a
21 3.8a 2.2cd 2.6bc 3.0b 3.6a
Tenderness 1 4.3a 3.2b 3.4b 4.2a 4.4a
7 4.0a 2.0b 2.0b 2.4a 4.0a
14 3.8a 2.4b 2.8b 2.8b 3.8a
21 3.8a 2.0c 2.2bc 2.6b 3.8a
1 4.1ab 3.4c 3.6bc 4.0ab 4.2a
7 4.1a 2.0b 2.2b 2.4b 4.4a
14 4.0a 2.4bc 2.6b 2.6b 4.0a
21 3.7a 1.8c 1.8c 2.6b 3.6a
*Means with different letters are significantly different (P < 0.05).
Each value is expressed as Mean ± SD. Test was conducted in
Soltaninejad F. et al. Foods and Raw Materials, 2019, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 311–320
Overall, the sample with encapsulated extract of
black caraway demonstrated a higher score in the
sensory parameters. Our results were in agreement
with those of Sayed Ahmad et al. who fortified protein
bread with cumin and caraway powder [40]. Their study
showed the improvement of sensory properties in the
bread, however, bitter aftertaste was felt, which was
dependent on an amount of cumin and caraway powder.
In this study, we evaluated the effect of sesame oil
and different forms of black caraway extract on the
physicochemical and sensory properties of kolompeh. The
results showed that caraway had IC50 o f 1 24.1 μ g·mL–1.
Thus, the kolompeh with encapsulated black caraway
extract showed the high oxidative stability. In addition,
the EBCE microcapsule had global and monotonous
morphology, and FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the well
encapsulated black caraway extract.
The GC results indicated that the kolompeh samples
with sesame oil were rich in unsaturated fatty acids.
Oleic and linoleic acid were identified as the major fatty
acid in their fatty acid composition. Sesame oil and
encapsulation of black caraway had a great influence
on the hardness of the samples containing encapsulated
extract, which had the lowest hardness among all
Furthermore, the kolompeh with black caraway
encapsulated extract had lower lightness compared
to the other samples, probably due to more intense
yellow colour of canola oil. However, the sample
without caraway was lighter than the others, which
was attributed to black caraway colour. In addition, the
encapsulation protected the colour, aroma, and flavour of
black caraway extract.
According to the sensory assessment, the kolompeh
with encapsulated extract was preferred by panelists.
Nevertheless, the addition of the extract and powder
of black caraway influenced adversely the flavour and
aroma of kolompeh. Overall, this research revealed
that black caraway extract had a considerable potential
for using it as an ingredient and thus for improving the
physicochemical and sensory properties of kolompeh.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
The authors thank the Department of Food Science
of the Sarvestan Islamic Azad University for their great
assistance with the research.
This research did not receive any specific grant from
funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-forprofit


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