Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Thing. The experience of conducting professional oral hygiene in patients with chronic periodontitis in combination with drug-associated jaw osteonecrosis is presented. The goal is to identify the features of the oral cavity status of patients with chronic periodontitis and bisphosphonate osteonecrosis of the jaw (BONCH) on the background of postoperative chemotherapy after using two domestic mouthwashes (OML). Methodology. A clinical examination of the oral cavity of 15 patients aged 50 to 66 years was carried out, which were divided into two groups: the main group (after resection of the jaw segments) and the comparison group (5 and 10 people, respectively). Dental examination included examination of the oral cavity: the condition of periodontal tissues and mucous membrane, determination of the intensity of dental caries and hygiene and bleeding indices. Studies of mixed saliva (SS) were carried out before and after a single and daily course use of two domestic rinses based on chlorhexidine bigluconate and benzidamine and extracts of medicinal plants. Results. The pH value after the course application of OMLPR-1 in patients with BONCH has shifted from weakly acid (6.45 ± 0.4 units) to slightly alkaline (7.15 ± 0.15 units) medium. The structure of the SS before the application of OPLPR-1 was represented by small conglomerates of irregular shape and individual tree crystals of small sizes, and after the double use of OPLPR-1, the properties of the SS improved and medium-sized tree crystals appeared. After the course application of OPLR-2 in these patients, crystal-prismatic structures of a tree form were identified, a tendency to restore the structural properties of SS was determined. Findings. After the course application of LPRS, a tendency to restore the structural properties of SS was revealed. The course use of CPLR stimulates the excretion of SS, cleansing and a feeling of freshness in the mouth. The consecutive use of OPLR-1 and OPLR-2 helps to alleviate the condition of patients, especially against the background of BONCH and chemotherapy.

mouthwash, microorganisms, jaw, bisphosphonate osteonecrosis, professional hygiene

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