Ulan-Ude, Russian Federation
Currently, the relevance of sustainable development of human resources in rural areas is undeniable. At the same time, the problems that exist in the village require immediate solutions. The state has done a lot of work in this area, but many researchers are still discussing the complete lack of sustainable development of human resources in the rural area. In the study, the author conducted an analysis of existing regulatory legal acts in the field of human resource development in the village. The study revealed that in the strategic documents there is insufficient elaboration in the field of specific features of rural development and the integrated focus on the development of human resources. The modern development of the human resources potential of rural areas, and the assessment of the economic development of the countryside, show that there are many problems in the countryside. To this end, an analysis of the development of the personnel potential of rural territories of the Republic of Buryatia was carried out and the current problems of rural development were highlighted. The identified problems indicate that rural territories need constant financial support from the state. Therefore, in conclusion of the study, it was concluded that there is a need for substantial state funding of rural areas, the preservation of endangered rural areas, and ensuring the attractiveness of the village, which together will attract young people and solve problems in the village.
sustainable development, countryside, village, staff development factors, problems of sustainable rural development, rural economic development, SWOT analysis of personnel potential
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