, Russian Federation
The modern system of management in digitalization and innovative development imposes new and more complex requirements to existing and newly created enterprises. Therefore, the key factor of their economic well-being and competitiveness in the modern world is the intensification of innovative activities, the widespread use of innovative technologies, products and services. Being engaged in innovative activity, the enterprise can take the leading positions in the market and, accordingly, to receive more profit that is one of the main purposes of any commercial organization. The purpose of the study is to identify the relevant factors of the development of innovative potential of the oil and gas sector of the country. Research objectives: analysis of the financial condition of oil and gas companies; study of their investment activity in modern conditions; study of innovation in the industry. Research methods: scientific abstraction, expert evaluation method, data comparison method. As a result of the study, the author concludes that there is an innovative potential of oil and gas enterprises, the implementation of which is associated with overcoming various barriers.
innovations, innovative potential, profitability, oil and gas sector, efficiency, investment activity
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