Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes a new method for assessing the quality of articles and the publication activity of their authors. A distinctive feature of this method is that when it is applied in a complex, indicators that evaluate the quality of the article itself and indicators that evaluate the status of the journal in which this article is published are taken into account. The evaluation method proposed in the article is based on the construction and use of 7 models (evaluation functions) that differ in the number and purpose of their indicators. The models presented in this paper can be used both to evaluate the individual work of a particular author of articles, and to compare the publication activity of several authors for a certain period of time, for example, for a reporting year. Such models can be used, for example, in the process of rating a group of authors (including teachers of the department) for a certain period of time. Visually, the quality of the published article is conveniently assessed using the «Polygon quality article».

quality of a scientific article, publication activity of the author, model, number of copyright sheets, scientific novelty of the article, originality of the article, impact factor of the journal, weight factor of the journal, polygon of article quality

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