Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work presents the implementation of an integrated approach to assessing the level of economic security of territories. The specificity of the approach is to use the concept of “reference territory” during the normalization procedure, under which it is proposed to understand a conditional territorial entity, in respect of which at a particular time there are no external and internal threats to economically secure, sustainable development. A model scheme for calculating the integral indicator of the state of economic security of the territory is presented, the content of its main stages is disclosed. Implemented the testing of the proposed research approach by calculating the integral indicator of economic security of Russia in 2005-2018, it made a projection for the period up to 2023, the conclusion is that strengthening the economic security of the Russian Federation in the analyzed period and also the conclusion about the sensitivity of the economy to external challenges and threats. It is argued that the proposed approach can be used as a basis for monitoring the state of economic security of territorial systems at different levels — countries, regions, municipalities.

economic security, sustainable development, integrated approach, region, reference territory

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