, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
, Russian Federation
The health condition of the Russian Federation children has been characterized by negative trends in the past thirty years. The aim of the study is to identify the main trends in the total and for the first time in the life registered incidence in children 0–14 years old in the Russian Federation, as well as to monitor the quantity and dynamics of the indicator of chronicity of diseases. The data of form N12 of the federal statistical observation for the period 2000–2018 are analyzed, using the method of descriptive statistics. A significant increase was revealed both in the total incidence of girls (by 19.0%) and for the first time in the life registered incidence (by 19.3%). The maximum increase in total incidence is observed for the following classes of diseases: neoplasms (2.3 times), congenital anomalies (malformations) (1.8 times), diseases of nervous system (1.5 times), diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (1.4 times). The growth for the first time in life registered incidence was revealed for the following classes: neoplasms (2 times), congenital anomalies (malformations) (1.6 times), diseases of the respiratory system (1.3 times). High figures of the chronicity index aggregative for all classes of diseases (1.262 in 2000 year and 1.259 in 2018 year) reflect the high level of chronic pathology in children 0–14 years old, what is an unfavorable characteristic of their health condition. An analysis of the chronization index of the diseases revealed its maximum growth for: asthma, asthmatic status (71.1%), allergic rhinitis (hay fever) (43.0%), diseases characterized by high blood pressure (41.9%), urolithiasis (30.9%). The greatest decrease in the chronicity index was revealed by the following nosologies: cerebral palsy (19.8%), chronic and unspecified bronchitis, emphysema (18.7%), gallbladder and biliary tract disease (16.2%), and blood coagulation disorders (12.6%). The health of children determines the health of the nation in the nearest future; therefore, the issues of its preservation and improvement require thorough attention.
the incidence of children, the common incidence, the first time in the life registered incidence, chronic diseases of children, the incidence of children within classes of diseases, the chronization index of pathology.
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