Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2000 until now
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Mankind has come to a peculiar and very important interaction with the environment. To the existing electricity and magnetic fields of the Earth, atmospheric electricity, radio emissions of the Sun and the Galaxy, electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of artificial origin was added. Biologically significant are the 50 Hz electric fields generated by overhead lines and substations. Genetic effects of EMR in Biosystems are established: induction of various genetic disorders at one modes of influence and modification of gene expression at others.
electromagnetic radiation, biological effects, technogenic impact, therapeutic use
1. Isaeva N.M., Subbotina T.I., Hadarcev A.A., Yashin A.A. Kod Fibonachi i «zolotoe sechenie» v patofiziologi i eksperimental'noy magnitobiologii.,M.:, Seriya monografiy, 2007,tom.4
2. Yashin A.A. Elektromagnitoterapiya: mezhdu Scilloy i Haribdoy. Vvedenie v polevuyu fizioterapiyu/Vestnik novyh medicinskih tehnologiy, 2019. Tom 26, № 2, s. 135-139.
3. Voroncova Z.A., Ushakov I.B., Hadarcev A.A., Esaulenko I.E., Gontarev S.N. Morfofunkcional'nye sootnosheniya pri vozdeystvii impul'snyh elektromagnitnyh poley. – Tula, iz-vo TulGU, 2012. – 368 s.
4. Apollonskiy S.M., Ostreyko V.N. Problemy elektromagnitnoy ekologii cheloveka//Vestnik MANEB (SPb). – 1996. - № 3. S. 11-15
5. Bobrakov S.N., Kartashov A.G.//Elektromagnitnaya sostavlyayuschaya sovremennoy urbanizirovannoy sredy//Radiacionnaya biologiya. Radioekologiya. – 2001. – t.3, № 3-4. – S. 706-711
6. Grigor'ev Yu.G. i dr. Elektromagnitnaya bezopasnost' cheloveka. – M.:1999. – 145 s.
7. Sokolov E.M. Zaharov E.I., Panfilov I.V. i dr. Bezopasnost' zhiznedeyatel'nosti. Uchebnoe posobie. – Tula, 2001. – 279 s.
8. Subbotina, Tuktamyshev I.Sh., Hadarcev A.A., Yashin A.A. Vvedenie v elektrodinamiku zhivyh sistem. – Tula, 2003. – 440 s.
9. Hadarcev A.A. Vneshnee upravlenie v biologicheskih sistemah//Medicinskie aspekty kvalitologii. – Vyp.1. – L'vov – Tula – Doneck, 2003. – s. 128-135
10. Sistemnyy analiz, upravlenie i obrabotka informacii v biologii i medicine. Chast' I./ pod. red. Hadarceva A.A. – Tula, izd-vo TulGU, 2000. – 320 s.