graduate student
, Russian Federation
The article presents the results of the research of the institutionalization of mentoring in the public service. The main approaches of scientists to the study of mentoring as a professionalization technology of civil servants are considered. The modern practice of introducing mentoring in the public service have been researched, patterns of institutional development of mentoring that shape the social-factorial conditionality of its relevance as an institution have been revealed. Here we analyze the Draft Regulations on Mentoring in the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation. The author proposes steps to improve this document from the standpoint of its practical importance, value performance, and compliance with the objectives set in the Presidential Decree No. 68 of February 21, 2019 “About the professional development of civil servants of the Russian Federation”. The scientifi c novelty consists in the conceptual model proposed by the author for the institute of mentoring in the public service, ensuring the systemic perception of the institute of mentoring in the public service, the introduction of mentoring as a basic personnel technology in the system of personnel management of the public service.
public service mentoring, mentoring institution, mentoring patterns, personnel technologies, professionalization of public service, conceptual model of the mentoring institute
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