Cincinnati, United States of America
Cincinnati, United States of America
Cincinnati, United States of America
The use of computed tomography slices covering the entire volume of a component has been critical to the advancement of innovative aerospace technologies. Inspection times for these components were often measured in hours, as data were acquired one single computed tomography slice at a time. Recent advancements in computed tomography data acquisition technology have moved from the use of linear X-ray detectors to area X-ray detectors that can collect computed tomography data from a component in a single acquisition. The use of area X-ray detectors to collect computed tomography data is often referred to as volumetric computed tomography (VCT) and has reduced data acquisition times for an entire component from hours to minutes. The reduced inspection time provided by VCT has made it practicable to use this technique for the production inspection of advanced components. In order to realize the use of VCT in a production environment, the data produced by the inspection must be analyzed within a time comparable to the time taken by the data acquisition. This paper describes a technique for rapidly analyzing VCT inspection data and the application of that technique to the inspection of turbine airfoils.
computed tomography, area X-ray detectors, data acquisition, turbine airfoil testing
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