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Abstract (English):
The paper considers the diesel engines as the hearts of the lifeboat power plants of all types of vessels: sea, river and mixed navigation, according to the International Convention on the Protection of Human Life at Sea - SOLAS. In the Russian Federation there are two types of engines produced for this purpose: 4-9.5/11 (“Kaspiy 30”) with vortex-chamber mixing and 4-9.5/11 (“Kaspiy 40”) with a combustion chamber in piston and volume-film mixing. The Kaspiy 40 engine is characterized by good starting properties and does not require additional acceleration of the launch. The Kaspiy 30 engine, due to the design of the combustion chamber, must be equipped with a fuel mixture heating device in the combustion chamber, which must work before the engine reaches a stable mode of operation. This device is glow plugs powered by a rechargeable battery and connected sequentially, so that failure of one plug entails the inoperability of the entire chain. If the rescue operation is necessary, the lifeboat engines must be started on deck without a coolant (sea water) in the cooling system and must work for at least 10 - 15 minutes until the crew gets into the boat and the boat is launched, after which the cooling system will take the sea water. If the glow plug system fails, especially when the ambient temperature is low, the start of the engine in the prescribed time may not take place at all. There has been studied the effect of magnetic treatment of fuel before the launch and during the launch on the activation energy of fuel molecules and their reaction in the combustion without external heat

lifeboats, vortex diesel, launch properties, fuel magnetic treatment, magnetic field
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