Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation
Gukovo, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
At-line coal quality analyzer using the method of Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence analysis is described. The analysis time of one sample does not exceed 5 minutes. The analysis errors are determined and the limitations of the approach are considered.
сoal quality, ash content, at-line analysis, X-ray fluorescence
1. Komova E. N., Ryabov A. M., Serebryakov A. S. Optimizaciya usloviy kontrolya zol'nosti uglya po spektral'nym harakteristikam otrazhennogo gamma-izlucheniya. – V kn.: Radiacionnaya tehnika. Vyp. 17. — M.: Atomizdat, 1979, s. 137–141.
2. Analizator ENELEX proizvodstva Cheshskoy Respubliki:, data prosmotra 30.10.1019.