Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Additive technologies that allow creating volume objects of different complexity are becoming popular in different industries. There is an increase in the scale of introduction of 3D printing technologies in the construction industry, including in the production of ceramic products. With the help of modern additive technologies, different models, products and designs are created. They can be complex and can be made from different materials. Experts are wondering what the future holds for additive technologies in construction, as well as in ceramic production, as these technologies can save resources, reduce the time of the technological process and form complex shapes. The article presents an analytical review of the global application of additive technologies in construction, as well as in the manufacture of ceramic products. The advantages and disadvantages, the possibilities of 3D printing are considered. The creation of ceramic three-dimensional products is still a rare area of additive technologies that requires research. The production of ceramic products, superior to other materials in terms of high temperature strength, hardness, chemical and thermal resistance, has a high potential for the use of additive technologies. The types of construction 3D printers and raw materials for them are analyzed. The results of a study of the properties of clay raw materials of the Sannikovsky, Namtsyrsky and Kangalassky deposits of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) are presented.

Additive technology, 3D printing, clay raw materials, clay minerals, particle size distribution

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