Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Over the past ten years, the possibility of developing long-term consequences, in particular brain cancer in mobile phone users, has been actively discussed among the world scientific community. A number of international organizations still have the view that there is no absolute evidence for this. However, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) issued an official press release No. 208 of May 31, 2011, which classified radio frequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to the public (Group 2B), which is associated with the use of a mobile phone. This decision was based on the increased risk of developing glioma brain cancer, high malignancy brain cancer. The IARC decision was preceded by a very long period of scientific confrontation. However, Russian radiobiologists predicted the possibility of developing brain tumors, auditory and vestibular analyzers. Two classical experiments conducted in the USA (2016) and Italy (2018) – total irradiation of animals for two years or throughout their life from the perinatal period to their natural death, strengthened the opinion of most scientists about the possibility of developing a tumor process with prolonged exposure to RF EMF . The article discusses the risks of developing brain cancer in users of mobile phones in the early stages of the development of cellular communications. No corresponding correlation was obtained. Further, the results of epidemiological studies obtained in a number of countries (USA, Sweden, Great Britain, Finland) were analyzed during the period of mass use of cellular communications by all segments of the population, including children. Until now, studies have not been conducted by the international scientific community to justify standards, taking into account the local effects of cellular EMF on the user’s brain. There is no corresponding scientific base. In our opinion, the population is at high risk. We consider it necessary to inform the population about the possible danger of developing a brain tumor. There are serious reasons to strengthen preventive measures aimed at reducing the electromagnetic effect on the population.

radio-frequency electromagnetic fields, mobile phones, carcinogenic factor, brain tumors

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