employee from 20.10.1982 to 10.01.2016
Ufa state aviation technical University (Fundamentals of design of mechanisms and machines, associate Professor)
employee from 10.01.2016 until now
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
In connection with the transition of universities of the Russian Federation to teaching students according to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education 3 ++, the task of forming the professional competencies of the graduate based on the relevant professional standards becomes urgent. The article describes the main stages of standardization of higher professional education in the USSR and the Russian Federation and what documents regulated the volume of taught graphic disciplines in technical universities and the content of these disciplines. The issues of the competency-based model of education are considered, such as the concept of competence, classifi cation of competencies. Much attention is paid to graphic competencies. It tells about the experience of the department of descriptive geometry and drawing at the Ufa State Aviation Technical University with graduating departments in the formation of professional competencies based on professional standards, drawing up curricula and the main educational program.
standards of higher professional education, competence model of education, graphic competence, professional competence, professional standards, modernization of the classical course of descriptive geometry
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