Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
doctoral candidate from 01.01.2010 until now
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
graduate student
, Russian Federation
GRNTI 67.01 Общие вопросы строительства
BBK 308 Монтаж, эксплуатация, ремонт машин и промышленного оборудования
The paper provides a quantitative assessment of the deflected mode of foundation stratum of finite width foundation, in the compressible thickness of which there is a slack clay soil layer. A number of criteria for assessing the possibility or impossibility of extruding a slack layer depending on its strength and rheological properties, as well as the relative thickness of the layer to its length (h/l) and the relative depth of the layer (h/d) have been given. Closed analytical solutions are given to determine the rate of Foundation precipitation depending on the rate of extrusion of the weak layer, including taking into account the damped and undamped creep. The analytical solutions in the article are supported by the graphical part made with the help of the Mathcad program. Plots of changes in shear stresses in the layer along the x axis at different distances from the axis and at different values 𝜶0, contours of horizontal displacement velocities in the weak layer at different distances from the x axis, plots of horizontal displacement velocities in the middle of the weak layer and plots of horizontal displacement velocities in the weak layer at different distances from the x axis are given. As a calculation model for describing the creep of a slack layer, rheological ones of the soil using power and hyperbolic functions and their modifications have been considered. In addition, most modern rheological models that take into account soil hardening during creep have been considered. Based on these models, the problem is solved by means analytical and numerical methods using the Mathcad PC and the PLAXIS PC according to the Soft Soil Creep model. The graphical part shows the isofields of horizontal displacements for 300 days and 600 days and the corresponding contours of horizontal displacements.
Soft soil; creep; foundation; deflected mode; rheology; SoftSoilCreep
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