Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The results of a number of modern psychological and sociological studies indicate that a person’s appearance can have a very strong and direct influence on the perception of a person by other people, as well as his self-perception and self-esteem. Currently, one of the generally accepted criteria for beauty, health and success of a person is a white-toothed smile. Therefore, it is completely natural that tooth whitening is currently acquiring significant significance not only in terms of aesthetics, but also social success. The goal is to study the need for treatment of dental discoloritis in people of different ages. Methodology. The data of the annual reports of Reaviz Medical University (Samara) for the period from 2017 to 2019 were studied. The results were subjected to statistical processing. Results. The need for the treatment of dental discoloritis is very high in the group of people from 21 to 26 years old, both men and women. The turnover of this contingent for the purpose of teeth whitening is constantly increasing. This is quite natural, since it is precisely at a young age that the value of the aesthetics of a smile is especially great. Conclusions. There is a need to search and develop new methods, tools and methods for treating dental discolorites, combining high efficiency and safety in order to use them in young patients and increase satisfaction with the quality of dental care. In addition, the results obtained should be taken into account when developing marketing activities for dental services, as well as for teeth whitening.

discoloration of teeth, whitening, young patients, negotiability, need

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