UDK 63 Сельское хозяйство. Лесное хозяйство. Охота. Рыбное хозяйство
GRNTI 68.31 Сельскохозяйственная мелиорация
BBK 40 Естественнонаучные и технические основы сельского хозяйства
TBK 5607 Сельскохозяйственная мелиорация
BISAC TEC003000 Agriculture / General
At the stage of water treatment for irrigation systems, the efficiency capture coarse and fine mechanical impurities, as well as oil products and organic compounds affects the reliability of the equipment of the irrigation network and the safety of energy exchange processes in irrigated agricultural landscapes. The violation of work irrigation system can cause disruptions in irrigation schedules of agricultural crops, crop shortages, degradation phenomena on the soil and ecological tension. For the combined irrigation system, a water treatment unit has been developed, representing a hydrocyclone apparatus with a pipe filter in the case. For the capacity of 250 m3/h the main geometrical dimensions of hydrocyclone have been calculated. To organize the capture petroleum products and organic compounds, it has been proposed a modernization of a hydrocyclone unit, consisting in dividing the cylindrical part of the apparatus into two section. The first is section is for input irrigation water, the second one is for additional drainage of clarified irrigation water after sorption purification by the filter, placed on the disk and installed coaxially with the drain pipe and the pipe filter.
water treatment, filtering hydroclone, tubefilter, the system of combined irrigation, mechanical impurities, oil products, organic compounds, construction and engineering of the water treatment unit
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