Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The data obtained from the student questionnaire determined the level of knowledge of oral hygiene. The purpose of this work was to carry out a comparative assessment of knowledge about methods of prevention of oral diseases in students of different universities of the city of Nizhny Novgorod. Methodology. On the basis of the Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of FSBOU "PIMU" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation used a questionnaire-survey method of research and determined the hygiene index Green―Wermillion and PMA among students of the National Research Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky and Volga Research Medical University. The total number surveyed was 500. The questionnaire contained questions about the basics of proper nutrition, the rules of use of the toothbrush, the basic rules of oral hygiene. Results. As a result of the questionnaire it was revealed that the majority of respondents listen to the advice of the dentist and hygienist, namely among students of PIMU it amounted to 92.8 %, among students of NNSU ― 72 %. According to the questionnaire, the majority of respondents brush their teeth twice a day, namely 69.6 % of PIM students and 56.8 % of NSU students. Most of the surveyed students of PIMU (38.4 %) and NSU (40 %) change the toothbrush 3-4 times a year. It also turned out that the majority of respondents use a toothbrush of medium rigidity, namely 84 % of students of NSU and 88 % of PIMU. As a result of the questionnaire, it was revealed that the majority of respondents to the NSU (52 %) do not use additional hygiene products, while in the PIM 43.2 % of respondents use additional products. Conclusions. The student questionnaire findings determined the level of knowledge of oral hygiene. This level is higher for PIMU students than for students of Lobachevsky NSU.

hygiene products, survey, oral hygiene, prevention, hygiene level, students, questionnaire

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