Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The Klyazma river, the largest tributary of the Oka river (686 km), originates in a forest 50 km North-West from the city of Moscow. It drains the vast Pleistocene plain. The Klyazma river basin is a territory with developed industry and agriculture. Here are the cities of Shchelkovo, Noginsk, Elektrostal, Pavlovsky Posad, Orekhovo-Zuyevo and others. The territory was ranked according to the objects of research. Four categories of taxa are distinguished. The results of studies in areas II and III categories – within the village and urban agglomerations, tributaries of the Klyazma river. There are results of studies of contamination of sediments with heavy metals and arsenic, estimated by igeo-classes – contamination of the fraction less than 0.020 mm. The main pollutants are zinc and lead, which the anthropogenic load is estimated from moderately hazardous to strong. The general picture of pollution of sediments of the Klyazma river is presented, from which it is possible to draw a conclusion that, despite a large number of sources of pollution. It is not necessary to speak about dangerous loading on water objects today.

the Klyazma river, sediments, heavy metals, arsenic, monitoring, taxonomy of sites, igeo-classes

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