The article reveals the peculiarities of establishing the circumstances to be proved in criminal cases of illegal extraction of aquatic biological resources and logging of forest plantations. These crimes are characterized by similar features in the event of the crime. The authors propose a classification of considered crimes according to purposes of their commission: for independent use of extracted resources; for further implementation within the country; for further implementation outside the Russian Federation. In addition, a description to each type of presented characteristics is given; attention is paid to the methods of committing crimes and the identity of criminals. So, the persons committing the considered crimes for independent use of extracted resources are inhabitants of villages and settlements located in the area of finding of water or forest object, have education to average (averagespecial), are lowskilled specialists, are not employed; tools and means of crimes commission can be hand saws, axes, horsedrawn transport; water bioresources are extracted by means of networks, rowing, or motor boats (less often); wood is used as a raw material for heating, construction and repair of houses and economic structures; water bioresources are used for food, and also used for piece sale. Illegal extraction of aquatic biological resources and felling of forest plantations for further implementation in the country is carried out by criminal groups consisting of: the organizers (no more than 3-5 people, including a representative of legal business in the field of transportation, law enforcement officials); executors (can be divided into several teams, numbering from 5 to 10-12 people); persons engaged in the protection of mined items and their processing; persons engaged in the transportation of resources. The third type of crime is characterized by presence among the organizers of foreign citizens of the country where resources are exported; the object of criminal encroachment is of high quality and selective (redbook animals, highgrade wood species); resources are transported in a large volume, which requires their storage and processing; transportation is carried out either openly under the guise of legal cargo, or secretly (in the hollows of the vehicle or under the guise of not prohibited goods). The authors indicate that from the point of view of the completeness and adequacy of collection, verification and evaluation of evidence to establish the existence of an event being considered a crime and the guilt of those who committed them, it is necessary to focus on the aspects of the circumstances to be proved, including those relating to the mechanism of illegal extraction of aquatic biological resources and felling of forest plantations, studied in the article. It is proposed, using the information on the specified typology of types of committed environmental crimes, to put forward investigative versions and to plan the investigation to improve its quality and efficiency.
illegal extraction of aquatic biological resources, illegal logging of forest plantations, circumstances to be proved, investigation, wood, fish, the identity of the offender, the mechanism of the crime
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